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"Presence is Our Essence"

Writer's picture: Jeff BernierJeff Bernier

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

We learn from our past, we motivate ourselves by thoughts of the future, but we live our lives in the present, the now.[i]

Are you ever some place but not “there”? I am sure we all feel this at some point. I know I certainly do. There are times when I am at work and thinking about home; at home and thinking about work; on the golf course and thinking about work or home! Even when I’ve carved out time to pray and listen to God, my mind can take over with the cares of the day or future plans. I heard a counselor once call this “future tripping”. It is easy to let our “minds” take over the present.

Eckhart Tolle described this well in his best-selling book The Power of Now:

The Mind, to ensure that it remains in control, seeks continuously to cover up the present moment with past and future, and so, as the vitality and infinite creative potential of Being, which is inseparable from the Now, becomes covered up by time, your true nature becomes obscured by the mind.[ii]

Setting goals and working to accomplish worthwhile things is important. But once we’ve set them, we need to return to the now and fully inhabit the ongoing series of present moments that lead to that goal. To do otherwise is to forfeit our actual lives for the airy phantoms of future lives over which we have little control.

Enjoy the Now. Enjoy the Journey.

[i] Jeff Bernier, The Money and Meaning Journey, A Guide to Clarity, Financial Confidence and Joy. Advantage Books, 2022

[ii] Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment(Novato, California: New World Library, 2004



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Jeff Bernier is the sole Member and an investment adviser representative of TandemGrowth Financial Advisors, LLC, (“TandemGrowth”) an investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Registration as an investment adviser is not an endorsement by securities regulators and does not imply that TandemGrowth has attained a certain level of skill, training, or ability. No person will receive cash or non-cash compensation, directly or indirectly, in exchange for an endorsement of this book. Any endorsement of the book, ‘The Money and Meaning Journey’ are endorsements of the book and are not endorsements of Jeff Bernier’s reputation or experience as an investment adviser representative of TandemGrowth, or of TandemGrowth itself. The information presented in this book is general commentary intended to inform its readers, including current and prospective investors, about the broader financial ecosystem. All profits from the sale of this book are ultimately paid to the Bernier Family Gift Fund at the National Christian Foundation, which makes charitable distributions to various qualifying nonprofit organizations. Except for the “Contact Page,” the book is not intended as an offer of Mr. Bernier’s or TandemGrowth’s advisory services related to the sale or recommendation of securities. Not all services will be appropriate or necessary for all clients, and the potential value and benefit of TandemGrowth’s services will vary based upon the client’s individual investment, financial, and tax circumstances. The effectiveness and potential success of a tax strategy, investment strategy, and financial plan depends on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the manner and timing of implementation, coordination with the client and the client’s other engaged professionals, and market conditions. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss, and different investments and types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy, including those undertaken or recommended by TandemGrowth, will be profitable or equal any historical performance level. Additional information about TandemGrowth, including its Form ADV Part 2A describing its services, fees, and applicable conflicts of interest and its Form CRS is available upon request and currently at

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